OpenIGO | International Careers Development Network

$ 173,90

The IMF Internship Package includes:

Application Review of the documents required by the IMF Internship selection process (CV/Resume and Cover Letter) + Mock Interview for the IMF Internship selection process.

It is our most comprehensive package – it was designed to those who want to qualify themselves for all the different rounds of the IMF Internship selection process! A description of each product and service included in this package is provided on the side.

This package includes the following services and products:Quantity

IMF Internship Application Review

Our award-winning team, specialized in the IMF Internship, will carry out proofreading and a technical review of the different documents you need to submit during the selection process (curriculum vitae/Resume and Cover Letter) enormously increasing your chances of being selected!


IMF Internship Mock Interview

The IMF Internship Interview combines behavioral event questions, traditional and technical questions. Our specialists will help you better understand this interview through a mock interview, qualifying you for this important phase and greatly increasing your chances of being selected.



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